标题: 维多利亚2
性别:男-离线 桠枫


Rank: 18Rank: 18Rank: 18
组别 翰林学士
级别 车骑将军
好贴 5
功绩 323
帖子 7292
编号 1780
注册 2003-11-1
家族 司徒实业


Victoria 2
A sequel to the 2003 cult-hit, with a large devout following around the world. Victoria 2 is a grand strategy game played during the colonial era of the 19th century, where the player takes control over a country, guiding it through industrialisation, political reforms, military conquest and colonisation. Guide the USA to its Manifest Destiny, Make United Kingdom into a world-spanning empire, and make Germany the dominating nation in Europe.

• Deep engrossing political simulation, with dozens of different types of governments.
• Detailed economy with over fifty different type of goods and factories.
• Historical game-play on a large map covering the entire world.
• Over 200 different countries can be played, from 1835 to the start of world war 2.
• Advanced Technological system with thousands of inventions to be discovered.
• Possibility to export a save game at the end of the game into HoI3.
• A streamlined interface, which makes the game easily accessible.
• Automation of various tasks, including trade and population promotion.
• Advanced spheres of influences system, where the great powers battle over the control of the world.
• New types of pops, including bureaucrats and artisans.
• Cottage production simulating pre-industrial economies.
• Gunboat Diplomacy, no need for negotiate as a fleet outside a port may be a more persuasive argument.
• Overhaul of education, where clergy educates people of the same religion, and each pops have their own literacy levels.
• More reform categories with more options to select from in each.
• New election system with coalition governments and an upper house/senate.
• Historical and Dynamic missions guiding your country through the history.
• Thousands of historical events and decisions.

• 深度模拟政治体系,数十种不同的政府体制
• 复杂经济系统,超过50种货物和工厂类型
• 符合历史的超大世界地图
• 可选择超过200个不同国家,游戏时间从1835到二代爆发
• 详细科技系统,数以千计的发明项目
• 游戏结束后可导出HoI3存档
• 改善界面易用性
• 各项任务的自动功能,包括贸易和人口发展
• 改进国际影响力系统,模拟列强争夺世界霸权
• 新的人群类型,包括公务员和艺术家
• 模拟前工业化时代经济的农庄生产模式
• 通过“炮舰外交”方式达成更有利的国际条约
• 改善教育系统,包括神职人员的教育,不同人群可有不同的教育程度
• 更多可选择的改革项目
• 新的选举系统,包括联合政府及两院制
• 增加类似EU3的历史任务系统
• 数以千计的历史事件和国

性别:男-离线 恋芸


Rank: 27Rank: 27Rank: 27Rank: 27Rank: 27Rank: 27
组别 经略使
级别 大将军
好贴 3
功绩 3357
帖子 12529
编号 871
注册 2005-9-24
来自 上海
家族 轩辕学院

发表于 2009-9-8 22:30 资料 个人空间 短消息 只看该作者 QQ


性别:男-离线 南宫如水

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
组别 校尉
级别 后将军
好贴 1
功绩 28
帖子 1454
编号 24546
注册 2004-11-15

发表于 2009-9-9 15:53 资料 主页 文集 短消息 只看该作者

性别:未知-离线 幻世え风

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
组别 校尉
级别 右将军
功绩 12
帖子 1167
编号 202889
注册 2007-8-16
来自 御风之城
家族 轩辕狼党

发表于 2009-10-21 17:07 资料 主页 个人空间 短消息 只看该作者 QQ

原帖由 南宫如水 于 2009-9-9 15:53 发表



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