标题: 鬼泣3正式公布
性别:未知-离线 布雪


Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
组别 翰林学士
级别 平南将军
好贴 5
功绩 325
帖子 2101
编号 11
注册 2003-8-19
家族 现视研

发表于 2004-5-3 08:54 资料 文集 短消息 只看该作者

DMC3 Highlights
- The game is a prequel.
- The series producer Tsuyoshi Tanaka wants to return to the visual style of the first game.
- Many of the games stylish action features will not be in the E3 demo to avoid spoiling the surprise.
- The core of gameplay in DMC3 revolves around a new feature called the "style system". You will be able to chose a specific style at the beginning. Gunslinger, Swordmaster, Trickster, and Royal Guard are the four styles revealed thus far. As you progress through the game, you can distribute points into categories related to the style you are using. Each style has its advantages and disadvantages. How Dantes Demon powers will work is still a secret, but he gradually remembers powers as you progress through the game.
- DMC3 is currently planned to last about as long as the first game and it will be just about as puzzle focused.
- Tanaka admits that DMC2s large open level design meant that most players could use guns for the entire game. In DMC3, the levels have been designed to test long range and melee fighting skills equally.
- DMC3 has a brand new 3D engine
- This allows for new special effects. For example, an enemy might form from sand, spew sand when hit, and return to sand when you kill it.
- The environments are much more destructable.
- Shadows and lighting are much more realistic
- Weather effects
- DMC3 will be mission based (like the others), but will feature intro movies to each mission and completetion movies that move the storyline along.
- Some missions have no bosses, and some have multiple bosses.
- A new mysterious female character whos involvement is unknown at the moment.

Thats the main points. There are tons of screens as well, but no scanner.


-游戏制作人Tsuyoshi Tanaka想要本作回归1代的风格!













性别:男-离线 诸葛孔明

Rank: 2Rank: 2
组别 百姓
级别 奋威校尉
功绩 1
帖子 107
编号 7583
注册 2004-5-12

发表于 2004-5-16 23:52 资料 主页 短消息 只看该作者

性别:未知-离线 风吹过

Rank: 2Rank: 2
组别 百姓
级别 破贼校尉
功绩 1
帖子 95
编号 7342
注册 2004-5-4

发表于 2004-5-17 19:47 资料 短消息 只看该作者

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