标题: 陶哲轩推荐的游戏
性别:女-离线 颖颖

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来自 系统复制中心

发表于 2011-10-25 02:04 资料 短消息 看全部作者

Terence Tao - What's new - Public

Suggestions for games that promote mathematical thinking?

A friend of mine recently asked me for some suggestions for games or other activities for children that would help promote quantitative reasoning or mathematical skills, while remaining fun to play (i.e. more than just homework-type questions poorly disguised in game form). The initial question was focused on computer games (and specifically, on iPhone apps), but I think the broader question would also be of interest.

I myself have not seriously played these sorts of games for years, so I could only come up with a few examples immediately: the game “Planarity“, and the game “Factory Balls” (and two sequels). (Edit: Rubik’s cube and its countless cousins presumably qualify also, due to their implicit use of group theory.) I am hopeful though that readers may be able to come up with more suggestions.

There is of course no shortage of “educational” games, computer-based or otherwise, available, but I think what I (and my friend) would be looking for here are games with production values comparable to other, less educational games, and for which the need for mathematical thinking arises naturally in the gameplay rather than being artificially inserted by fiat (e.g. “solve this equation to proceed”). (Here I interpret “mathematical thinking” loosely, to include not just numerical or algebraic thinking, but also geometric, abstract, logical, probabilistic, etc.)

[Question for MathOverflow experts: would this type of question be suitable for crossposting there? The requirement that such questions be "research-level" seems to suggest not.]


最近查看陶大师的 blog 发现了这个贴子感觉很有意思。大概意思是说,他的一个朋友问他给小孩子玩什么比较有助于数学能力,结果陶公说了两个游戏:Planarity 和 Factory Balls (我当场在下面留言推荐围棋).

Factory Balls 我还没顾的上玩,不过 Planarity 一玩就玩上瘾了。闲话少说,游戏链接在此,预祝大家通关顺利!

[ 本帖最后由 颖颖 于 2011-10-25 02:09 编辑 ]

性别:女-离线 颖颖

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
组别 限制发言用户
级别 大将军
好贴 3
功绩 95
帖子 11332
编号 90594
注册 2006-11-9
来自 系统复制中心

发表于 2011-10-25 13:32 资料 短消息 看全部作者
回复 #9 00249598 的帖子


性别:女-离线 颖颖

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
组别 限制发言用户
级别 大将军
好贴 3
功绩 95
帖子 11332
编号 90594
注册 2006-11-9
来自 系统复制中心

发表于 2011-11-6 02:46 资料 短消息 看全部作者
回复 #2 dimeterio 的帖子

怎么说呢,现在数学界搞"伪随机"方面的研究比较时髦。 例如,素数分布,严格上说素数是完全固定的,没有随机性的,但似乎用分布方法解决又能解决一些数论问题。 围棋理论上说也属于伪随机游戏吧。

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