标题: 探究下“中国球员2600万,俱乐部2000多家”的数据是怎么来的
性别:未知-离线 Shadowleech


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10
组别 羽林都尉
级别 安东将军
功绩 64
帖子 3353
编号 269970
注册 2008-3-4

发表于 2011-11-13 13:19 资料 文集 短消息 看全部作者

显示中国球员有2600多万的这个系统叫做FIFA BIG COUNT,根据介绍来说,是通过207个足协成员国的代表的反馈得到的数据。目前他们网页上的这个数据,是2006年那次获得的。
  而这些数据是怎么来的呢?正好他们现在在搞BIG COUNT 2011,我在网络上找到了填表的指南。我们可以看这里的介绍。
  http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/ ... icialfifasurvey.pdf
  Circular no. 1244
  Zurich, 15 November 2010
  BIG COUNT 2011: official FIFA survey
  Dear General Secretary,
  FIFA recently launched the Big Count 2011 project with a view to collecting valuable data on football
  today, following up the researches in 2000 and 2006.
  FIFA is conducting the survey with the aim of drawing attention to the worldwide appeal and
  popularity of football and its capacity to bring people together regardless of nationality, age, gender
  or religion. It will be possible to compare the results of this international survey with earlier data, thus
  revealing the changes that have taken place in football over the last five years. The results of the
  survey will be published on the internet.
  With this in mind, we would ask you to please complete the online questionnaire by 17 December
  2010. Please note that additional explanations, as well as your login details, are contained in the
  enclosure. Should you have any doubts or questions when filling out the questionnaire, please do not
  hesitate to contact us:
  E-mail" BigCount@fifa.org
  Telephone/Fax: +41 43222 7443/+41 43222 7878
  Post: Federation Internationale de Football Association
  Content Management Services
  FIFA-Strasse 20, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland
  Thank you for your cooperation.



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