标题: 全战官网上关于三国-全面战争的介绍, 罗马全面战争的三国MOD
性别:男-离线 zhangjf

Rank: 8Rank: 8
组别 羽林都尉
级别 左将军
功绩 85
帖子 1254
编号 54668
注册 2005-12-5

发表于 2006-6-7 10:10 资料 个人空间 短消息 只看该作者

原文见http://p223.ezboard.com/fshogunt ... ?topicID=3366.topic

Three kingdoms Total War ---- Great History in China
This mod is telling about the history of the civil war at the end of the Han dynasty of China . After followed by a long period of disunity and civil war. It began with the Three Kingdoms. These kingdoms grew out of the three chief economic areas of the Han Dynasty. The leaders of the kingdoms strove to reunite the empire and were therefore at constant warfare. These three kingdoms were the Wei, in northern China, the Shu to the west, and the Wu in the east. The Three Kingdoms existed from 220-265 A.D. Buddhism began to spread throughout China during this period. It was introduced in the first century A.D. but did not really begin to spread until after the Han empire collapsed. Tea, although not as popular as it would be in later times, was discovered in the south during this period. Porcelain was also developed during this time.

The kingdom of Wei was ruled by Ts'ao Ts'ao. This was the strongest of the kingdoms, and he had power over the valley of Wei even during the time of the Han rule. Ts'ao Ts'ao attempted to unify all of China under his rule, but was defeated by Sun Ch'üan and Liu Pei in the battle of the Red Cliff. This defeat was the beginning of the division into three kingdoms. The Wei and Shu kingdoms were both centralized, legalist kingdoms, while the Wu kingdom was ruled by a confederation of the most powerful families of the area. The Wei kingdom eventually captured the Shu kingdom in 263 A.D.

Ts'ao Ts'ao instituted many military changes that would have a great impact on the future of China. His army consisted of both Chinese and people that were considered barbarians, the Hsiung-nu, the Hsien-pei, Wu-huan and the Ch'iang. The members of his army who provided the best troops were the former nomadic herdsmen of the steppes. They were the most skilled mounted bowmen. The use of people from different groups resulted in an assimilation among the people which had not occurred in the past. In the future, these assimilated nomads would form independent kingdoms in North China. The Ssu-ma was a militant family that rose to power very quickly, and one of its members, Ssu-ma Yen founded the new Chin Dynasty in 265 A.D.

And this mod is begin from 194AD - 265 AD .
Starting with 20 factions .

And this mod has finished about 70% , with more than 100 new units models , hundreds of new buildings models , completely new mod systems , more than 100 thousands text ( ever general have their own intro , all history events etc ). so we anticipate this full version mod can release in July or Aug with chinese langue .

Here I display some unfix units and buildings models here .
I will continue to update the news about our 3 kingdoms mod here . keep your eyes on it  

and also you can come to our fourm in TWC .


[ 本帖最后由 zhangjf 于 2006-6-7 10:11 编辑 ]


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