标题: 中世纪2全面战争资料片:KINGDOM(王国), 不是很多人想的三十年战争啊
性别:男-离线 zhangjf

Rank: 8Rank: 8
组别 羽林都尉
级别 左将军
功绩 85
帖子 1254
编号 54668
注册 2005-12-5

发表于 2007-3-31 06:41 资料 个人空间 短消息 只看该作者


http://www.totalwar.com/asset_li ... oms_Trailer_Low.wmv
Key Features

·    Four new, epic campaigns – The Americas, Britannia, The Crusades, and The Teutonic Wars.
·    23 playable factions including Aztec and Native Americans.
·    Over 150 new units, including the devastating Greek Firethrower
·    Control multiple armies in battle – command reinforcement armies
·    New hero characters with powerful new battlefield abilities
·    A huge array of historical characters and events.
·    Build permanent forts to garrison troops or seize control of key strategic points
·    New technology trees influenced by Religion and Prestige
·    New Mission types
·    6 New Multiplayer scenarios and 20 new Custom Battle maps
·    Compatible with the new Hotseat multiplayer mode


7 playable factions – Spain, The Aztecs, Mayans, Apachean Tribes, Chichimeca, Tlaxcalans and Tarascans.
The Americas…a land of mystery, great riches and exploration, but wrought with treacherous terrain and terrifying inhabitants. Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small, elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of Spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands. Earn the support of Spain to help you explore the mystery and riches of the New World, or take control of the Aztec or Native American factions and call on the Gods and your vast armies to see off this new threat.
西班牙 阿兹特克 蚂雅, Apachean Tribes, Chichimeca, Tlaxcalans and Tarascans

5 Playable Factions – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Norway.

The year is 1258 and England has emerged as a superpower, with a firm grip on the provinces of the British Isles. However, as the English, your forces are spread thinly with the threat of rebellion looming large. Wales and Ireland are poised, ready to rise up and exploit the exposed English provinces. The Scots meanwhile, are squeezed between England’s expansion to the North and the growing Viking presence that threatens their shores. These five kingdoms are set to battle for supremacy in a fast-paced, war strewn campaign that delivers huge battles for high stakes.
可用势力:英格兰爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士, 挪威

5 Playable factions – Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Egypt, Turks, Byzantium.

Recreate the epic Crusades in the Holy Land, leading the Crusade States to reclaim Christendom or the defenders of Islam to drive out the infidels. It’s 1174 and the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Principality of the Antioch are united in their struggle for the Holy Land against Egypt, the Turks and Byzantium.
6 Playable factions – Teutonic Order, Lithuania, Denmark, Novgorod, Poland and the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1250, Northern Europe is locked in a bitter struggle between Paganism and Christianity, once ordained as a Crusade, it is now an unholy slaughter by the dreaded Teutonic order. Take up the black cross and carve out a new empire in the North. Construct mighty fortresses, train powerful Knights to destroy all that lies in your path, or adopt the cause of the Pagan factions and seek to withstand the vengeance of the Order, inspired by your powerful Gods.

[ 本帖最后由 zhangjf 于 2007-3-31 06:42 编辑 ]

性别:男-离线 龙骧将军

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3
组别 士兵
级别 忠义校尉
功绩 2
帖子 214
编号 29414
注册 2005-1-2

发表于 2007-4-11 17:28 资料 主页 短消息 只看该作者
 四个月前,世嘉推出了《中世纪2:全面战争》,这个以同屏超多士兵数量著称的战略游戏在这一代中已经达到了极度惊人的画面水准,借助主流PC硬件配置的大幅提升,游戏中同屏出现的士兵数量更多,并且士兵本身的种类也更为丰富,建模更加精细。全面战争系列的开发商是英国的Creative Assembly公司,由于其实力强劲,世嘉于2005年收购了这家公司,双方通过精密的合作为玩家带来更多精彩作品。《中世纪2》获得了业界的一致好评,并且销量也令人满意,只用了两个半月的时间就在美国卖出了20万套。近日世嘉出人意料地公布了该作的资料片。

《中世纪2:全面战争王国》是该作的第一张资料片,由Creative Assembly公司的澳大利亚分公司开发,将会增加四场全新担任战役。在美洲战役中,玩家将会扮演西班牙征服者,征服阿兹台克等美洲本土居民;在日尔曼战役中,基督教徒和异教徒将会在东欧展开激战;在大不列颠战役中,将会有五大势力为征服不列颠岛而互相残杀;最后本作在十字军东征之战方面也会有所拓展,在基督教徒对萨拉逊人的战役之间还将出现新的敌人。


性别:未知-离线 2856932

Rank: 1
组别 百姓
级别 在野武将
功绩 0
帖子 4
编号 51249
注册 2005-10-16

发表于 2007-5-1 09:17 资料 短消息 只看该作者
性别:未知-离线 白色de乌鸦

Rank: 1
组别 百姓
级别 在野武将
功绩 0
帖子 1
编号 185670
注册 2007-7-6

发表于 2007-7-6 20:33 资料 短消息 只看该作者

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