Eastern Han / Sanguo 东汉/三国
A. 文献汇编类
Chennault, Cynthia L. “An Annotated Bibliography of Western Works on Early Medieval China (1997-2001), 1997-2001年间有关早期中古中国的西方研究书目附注解EMC 8 (2002):99-136.
de Crespigny, Rafe. A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (223-220 AD). 东汉三国人名字典Leiden: Brill, 2006. A monumental (over 1300 pages) and comprehensive (upwards of 8000 entries) reference covering the Later Han.
Early Medieval China Group. 早期中古中国论坛网址:http://www.earlymedievalchinagroup.org/
Eonomoto, Aiyuchi. 榎本相内 "Wei-Jin Nanbeichao Studies in Japan (1992)," 日本的魏晋南北朝研究EMC, 1(1995-96):118-34.
Frankel, Hans. comp. Catalogue of Translations from the Chinese Dynastic Histories for the Period 220-960. 220-960年间中国正史翻译目录Chinese Dynastic History Translations, Supplement no. 1. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957.
Guang Li’an 鄺利安. Wei Jin Nan Beichao shi yanjiu lunwen shumu yinde 魏晉南北朝史研究論文書目引得 Taibei: Taiwan Zhonghua shuju, 1971. Lists 2074 titles of Chinese and Japanese articles published between 1912 and 1969.
Klein,Kenneth. "Bibliography of Western Works on Early Medieval China (1981-1993), 1981-93年间关于早期中古中国的西方语言文献书目 第一部: Art, History, Language, Literature, and Pastoral Nomadic Peoples," EMC, 1(1994):150-60.
_______. "Bibliography of Western Works on Early Medieval China (1981-1993)同上, 第二部: Philosophy, Religion, and Tunhuang," EMC, 1(1995-96):135-44.
Lu, Xiuwen. "Studies of Wei-Jin Nanbeichao (A.D. 220-589) History in Mainland China (1990-1991)," 中国大陆魏晋南北朝史研究EMC, 1(1994):97-111.
Noda, Toshiaki.野田俊昭 "Japanese Studies on Wei-Jin Nanbeichao History in 1991,"1991年魏晋南北朝史日本研究成果 EMC, 1(1994):112-27.
Pearce, Scott. "A Survey of Recent Research in Western Languages on the History of Early Medieval China," 关于早期中古中国史的西方语言近期研究概览EMC, 1(1994):128-49.
Guoxue.com 国学网站(中文)http://guoxue.com/
Les classiques des sciences sociales. 魁北克大学社会科技经典网址http://classiques.uqac.ca/
Xiangyata 象牙塔 http://www.xiangyata.net/
Zhongguo qing shao nian xin shiji du shu wang 中国青少年新世纪网(非专业,但是有免费电子书看:如世说新语http://blog.cnread.net/l
Zhongguo lishixue nianjian 中国历史学年鉴 [Chinese Historical Studies Annual].
Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai 中国史研究动态
Zhang Shunhui 張舜徽, Cui Shuting 崔曙庭, and Wang Ruiming 王瑞明, eds. Hou Han shu ci dian 後漢書辭典 [Dictionary to the History of the Later Han Dynasty]. Ji’nan: Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe, 1994.
_____. San guo zhi cidian 三國志辭典 [Dictionary to the Records of the Three States]. Ji’nan: Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe, 1992.
b. History历史:
Bielenstein, Hans The Restoration of the Han Dynasty, with Prolegomena on the Historiography of the Hou Han Shu. 汉朝的复兴暨后汉书史学序Göteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1953. 对比:Yu Yingshi 余英時. “Dong Han zhengquan zhi jianli yu shizu daxing zhi guanxi" 東漢政權之建立與士族大姓之關係Xinya xuebao 新亞學報 1.2 (Feb. 1956): 270-80.
_____. “Lo-yang in Later Han Times,” 东汉时期的洛阳BMFEA 48 (1976): 3-142. Meticulous description of the physical setting of the city based on literary sources.
_____. “The Restoration of the Han Dynasty. Vol. 4, The Government.” 汉朝复兴,卷4,政府篇BMFEA 51 (1979): 1–300. Intended to be used in conjunction with the author's The Han Bureaucracy. (See next section.)
_____. “Wang Mang, the Restoration of the Han Dynasty, and Later Han.” 王莽,汉朝复兴,及后汉In CHC, 1:223–290.
Chittick, Andrew. “The Life and Legacy of Liu Biao: Governor, Warlord, and Imperial Pretender in Late Han China.” 刘表生平与传闻:东汉中国的州牧与军阀Journal of Asian History 37.2 (2003):155-86.
Cutter, Robert Joe. "The incident at The Gate: Cao Zhi, the Succession, and Literary Fame," 曹植:继承问题和文学才名TP 71:4-5 (1985).
Cutter, Robert Joe and William Gordon Crowell, translators. Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States with Pei Songzhi's Commentary. 后妃传:裴注陈寿三国志选读 Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999.
de Crespigny, Rafe. "The Chinese Warlord in Fact and Fiction: a Study of Ts'ao Ts'ao," 曹操研究:史实与传说中的中国军阀Bulletin of the Chinese Historical Association, Taipei, 4 (1972):304-328 [translated into Chinese by Lu Jianrong, Cao Cao, Taipei 1980, 195-217].
______. "Civil War in Early China: Ts'ao Ts'ao at the Battle of Kuan-tu," 早期中国内战:曹操在官渡之战中Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 5:1-2 (December 1967): 51
______. "The military geography of the Yangtse and the early history of the Three Kingdoms state of Wu,"长江军政地理与早期东吴史 Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 4:1 (June 1966): 61-76.
_______, tr. To Establish Peace: Being the Chronicle of Later Han for the Years 189 to 220 AD as Recorded in Chapters 59 to 69 of the Zizhi tongjian of Sima Guang. 2 vols. 建安:资治通鉴卷59-69载汉末编年史189-220年全译Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1996.
______. “The Harem of Emperor Huan: A Study of Court Politics of the Later Han.”桓帝的后妃们:东汉宫廷权术研究 PFEH 12(1975): 1–42.
______. “Man from the Margin: Cao Cao and the Three Kingdoms.” 异军突起:曹操与三国The Fifty-first George Ernest Morrison Lecture in Ethnology. Canberra: Australian National University, 1990.
______. “Political Protest in Imperial China: The Great Proscription of Later Han, 167–184.” 中华帝国的政治逆流:167-184年间的东汉党禁PFEH 11 (1975): 1–36.
______. The Records of the Three Kingdoms. 三国志Centre of Oriental Studies Occasional Paper no. 9. Canberra: Australian National University Centre of Oriental Studies, 1970.
______. “The Three Kingdoms and Western Jin: A History of China in the Third Century AD.”三国与西晋:三世纪中国史 Parts 1 and 2. East Asian History 1 (June 1991): 1–36; 2 (December 1991): 143–165.
Eikenberry, Karl W. "Cao Cao: Ancient China's Military Master." 曹操:古代中国的军事领袖Military History 12:1 (April 1995): 38.
Fang, Achilles, trans. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms (220-265). Chapters 69-78 from the Tz'u-chih t'ung-chien by Ssu-ma Kuang. 2 vols. 资治通鉴卷69-78三国史220-265年全译Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1952.
Gardiner, K.H.J. "The Kung-sun warriors of Liao-tung (189-238),"189-238年间的辽东公孙集团PFEH 5 (March 1972): 59-107; and 6 (September 1972):141-201.
Goi Naohiro 五井直弘. Kandai no gōzoku shakai to kokka 漢代の豪族社会と国家 [Han Dynasty Elite Society and the State]. Tokyo:
Meicho kankoo kai, 2001..
_____. "Go Kan ōchō to gōzoku" 後漢王朝と豪族 [Later Han Court and the Elite Families]. In Sekai rekishi 4 kodai Tō Ajia no seikei I 世界 歴史 4 古代東アジアの成形 I. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1970, 403-44.
Goodman, Howard L. Ts'ao P'i Transcendant: The Political Culture of Dynasty-Founding in China at the End of the Han. 曹丕篡位:汉末换代期间的政治气候Seattle, WA: Scripta Serica, 1998. Rev. article. Andrew Chittick. "History and the Three Kingdoms: Three Recent Approaches," EMC 7 (2001):79-107.
Goodrich, Chauncey. "Two Chapters in the Life of an Empress of the Later Han." Part 1 and 2. 东汉皇后生平二章 HJAS 25 (1964–1965): 165–177; 26 (1966): 187–210.
Ho, Tzu-ch'uan. "Early Development of Manorial Economy in Wei and Tsin."魏晋庄园的早期发展 In E-Tu Zen Sun and John DeFrancis, eds. Chinese Social History. Washington, D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies, 1956.
Hsü, Cho-yun. “The Roles of the Literati and of Regionalism in the Fall of the Han Dynasty.” 文人与地方主义在汉朝衰亡中的角色In Norman Yoffee and George L. Cowgill, eds. The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988. 176-95.
Holzman, Donald. “Literary Criticism in China in the Early Third Century a.d.” 三世纪初叶中国文学评论Asiatica Studien 28.2 (1974): 113–149.
_____. "Ts'ao Chih and the immortals."曹植与洛神 AM third series 1:1 (1988).
Ikeuchi, Hiroshi. 池内博 "The Chinese Expeditions to Manchuria under the Wei dynasty,"魏朝中国在满洲的扩张 Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 4 (1929):71-119.
_____. "The Establishment of Tai-fang Prefecture by the Kung-suns and Lo-lang and Tai-fang Prefectures as under the Wei dynasty," 公孙置代方郡和魏朝置乐浪/代方郡Shi-en 2:6 (September 1929).
Henry, Eric. "Chu-ko Liang in the Eyes of his Contemporaries,"同时代人眼中的诸葛亮 HJAS 52:2 (December 1992): 589-612.
Killigrew, John W. "The Role of the mou-shi in The Sanguo Zhi," 谋士在三国志里的角色Journal of Asian History 32:1 (1998) :49-67.
_____. "Zhuge Liang and the Northern Campaign of 228-234," 诸葛亮与229-34年间的北伐EMC 5 (1999): 55-91.
_____. "A Case Study of Chinese Civil Warfare: The Cao-Wei Conquest of Shu Han in A.D. 263," 中国内战案例:263年曹魏政府蜀汉Civil Wars 4.4 (2001): 95-114.
_____. "The Reunification of China in A.D. 280: Jin's Conquest of Eastern Wu,"280年中国的统一:晋克吴 EMC 9 (2003): 1-34.
Kuan Yu-chien. Cao Caos Leben und seine gegenwartige Bewertung.曹操正反论 Mitteilungen, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur-und Volker-kunde Ostasiens e.V., Hamburg und Tokyo, volume 70. Hamburg: 1970.
Kuo, Mo-jo. "A Reappraisal of the Case of Ts'ao Ts'ao," 曹操再评估Chinese Studies in History and Philosophy 1:4 (1968).
Leban, Carl. "Managing Heaven's Mandate: Coded Communication in the Accession of Ts'ao P'i, A.D. 220." 天命的操纵:曹丕登基解析In David T. Roy and Tsien Tsuen-hsuin, eds. Ancient China: Studies in Early Civilization. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1978, 315-42.
Mansvelt Beck, B. J. “The Fall of Han.”汉朝的灭亡 CHC 1.317–376.
Michaud, Paul. "The Yellow Turbans."黄巾 MS 17 (1958): 47-127.
Pearce, Scott, Audrey Spiro, and Patricia Ebrey, eds. Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600. 200-600年间中国版图演变背后的文化与国力Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003.
Wu, An-chia. "The New Image of Ts'ao Ts'ao: Controversies over The Reappraisal of Historical Figures,"曹操新貌:驳曹操再评估 Issues and Studies 11:11
(November 1975): 39-47.
c. Government政府:
Bielenstein, Hans H. The Bureaucracy of Han Times.汉代官僚机构与体制 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
Hsing I-tien (Xing Yitian) 邢義田. "Dong Han chaju xiaolian de nianling xianzhi" 東漢察舉孝廉的年齡限制 [Eastern Han Age Limits on Recruitment and the Filial and Incorrupt], Dalu zazhi 大陸雜誌 66.4 (1983):176-185.
Leban, Carl. "Sale of Office or ‘Fines' in the Later Han: A Matter of Interpretation."东汉官爵买卖考 In Albert E. Dien, ed. State and Society in Early Medieval China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990, 31-47.
______. “Ts’ao Ts’ao and the Rise of Wei: the Early Years.” 曹操与魏国的崛起Ph.D. diss., Columbia, 1971. A meticulously researched and detailed description
of the events surrounding Cao Cao's rise to power.
Young, Gregory C. “Court Politics in the Later Han: Officials and the Consort Clan, A.D. 132–144.” 132-144年间的东汉宫廷权术:外戚与官僚PFEH 34 (1986): 1–36.
d. Literature and Language文学与语言学:
Asslein, Mark Laurent. "'A Significant Season': Literature in a Time of Endings: Cai Yong and a Few Contemporaries."末世的文学:蔡邕及其同辈 Ph. D. dissertation. University of Washinton, 1997. AAT 9736238.
Coblin, W. South. A Handbook of Eastern Han Sound Glosses.东汉汉语发音索引手册 Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1983.
Cai, Zongqi. The Matrix of Lyric Transformation. Poetic Modes and Self-presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry.早期中国五言诗歌的意境与表现 Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies, Vol. 75. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1996. Rev. Jonathon Pease. MS 47 (1999): 528-30.
Cutter, Robert Joe. “To the Manner Born? Nature and Nurture in Early Medieval Chinese Literary Thought."天性与修行:早期中古中国文学思想 In Scott Pearce Audrey Spiro, and Patricia Ebrey, eds. Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003, 53-71.
_____. "Saying Goodbye: The Transformation of the Dirge in Early Medieval China,"说永别:早期中古中国挽歌之变迁 EMC 10-11.1 (2004): 67-129.
Holzman, Donald. “Literary Criticism in China in the Early Third Century A.D.”三世纪初叶的中国文学批判与评论 Asiatica Studien 28.2 (1974): 113-149.
Kinney, Anne Behnke. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-fu lun.汉代论文的艺术:王符的《潜夫论》 Arizona State University Center for Asian Studies Monograph Series 26. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990.
Knechtges, David R. "Wit, Humor, and Satire in Early Chinese Literature (to A.D. 220)."220年前早期中国文学中的智慧幽默与讽刺 MS 29 (1970-71): 79-98.
Pearson, Margaret. Wang Fu and the Comments of a Recluse. 王符和他的《潜夫论》 Tempe, AZ: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1989.
Tsien, Tsuen-hsuin. Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions. 竹帛记:中国文书铭刻之始2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004 [1962].
Yoshikawa, Kōjirō 吉川幸次郎. Sangokushi jitsuroku 三國志實錄. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962.
Asselin, Mark Laurent. "The Lu-School Reading of ‘Guanju' as Preserved in an Eastern Han fu,"汉赋中的鲁家《关雎》解读 JAOS 117:3 (July-Sept. 1997):427-43.
Lynn, Richard John, tr. The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted by Wang Pi. 《易经》新译Translations from the Asian Classics. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
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