总而言之。 三部片子最后其实都归于一点。 战争中没有英雄。无论是最后的胜利者还是失败者。 所有的人都是在为自己的生存,为了能够回家和自己的家人团聚而战斗。 人死了,再多的荣誉也无法挽回。 而活着的人战争的阴影和伤疤也远远大于荣耀。在战争中,能够互相依存的人,也只有身边的战友,仅此而已。 正如父辈的旗帜中所述 Maybe there’s no such thing is heroes. Maybe there’re only people like my dad. I finally came to understand why they’re so uncomfortable to be called heroes. Hero is something we create, something we need. It’s a way for us to understand what is almost incomprehensible, how people can scarifies so much for us. But for my dad and his men, the risk they took, the wounds they suffer, they did that for their buddies. They may have fought for their country but they died for their friends: For the men in front, for the men aside.