People's General 1.0版 版权所有1998 Strategic Simulations, Inc 08/24/98 说明文件 05/10/07 MF翻译 ---------------------- 目录 ---------------------- 操作变化 Manual Errata/Addendum 战役 Campaign Play 多人游戏 Multiplayer -热座 Mplay -电子邮件 Play-by-Email -局域网 LAN, TCP/IP 部队 Units -部队附加属性 Unit Attachments -指挥官能力 Leader Abilities -装备特性 Equipment Specials -加强等级 Reinforcement Levels -直升机 Helicopters -特殊部队 Special Units -原型 Prototypes 触发方格 Trigger Hexes 天气条件 Weather Conditions 航空任务 Air Missions -强击 Wild Weasel -侦察 Recon -空袭 Air Strike -协防 Defensive Air Support -机降 Airlift -空运 Air-mobile 场景编辑器 Scenario Editor 注册 Registration 网站 People's General Website 常见问题处理 Troubleshooting ----------------------- 变化 Errata/Addendum ----------------------- 下面是游戏和操作的最新变化。 Below is a list of last minute changes, clarifications and additions to the game and manual. -用'+' or '-'改变鼠标移动速度。 To speed up and slow down mouse cursor movement in game play, use the '+' or '-' keys. -教学战的初始物资是780,而非2320。 Page 17: Available starting prestige in the tutorial is 780, not 2320. -搏斗技术:+2贴身攻和防,而且防御强化比普通快。 Page 28: Combat Engineers: +2 to close attack and defense value. Also entrenches faster than normal. -前线观察:当受到贴身攻击时,给炮兵和战机协防+4(原文没说到底加的什么,应该是攻击吧)。 Page 29: Forward Observer: Gives artillery and defensive air support a +4 when attacking and supporting against enemies adjacent to this unit. -战役时,特殊部署方式“跳跃”方格只在首合有效,而且从部署屏幕离开就失效了。 Page 31:'In campaign play, special deployment "jump off" hexes are available on your first turn only'. These are actually available on the first turn only and go away the moment you exit from the deployment screen. -详细的指挥官能力,请看下面的“指挥官能力”章节。 For a complete list of Leader abilities, See the section below under 'Leader Abilities' -战机协防是弹药4,距离2,而非弹药1,距离1。 Defensive Air Support Missions have an ammo rating of 4 and range of 2 hexes not ammo of 1 and range of 1. ----------------------- 战役 Campaign Play ----------------------- 共9个。建议先玩教学场景。西方(长)战役是最简单的。 There are 9 campaigns included with People's general. It is recommended that you start off by playing the tutorial scenario and finish it before attempting any of the campaigns. Once you are ready to begin a campaign, try playing the Western Long Campaign. This is the first campaign on the list. 西方长战役 18 场景 (易) 东方长战役 18 场景 (易/中) 铁道之战 6 场景 (中) 世界新秩序 4 场景 (难) 韩国解放 3 场景 (中/难) 西方战役 11 场景 (中) 东方战役 12 场景 (中) 西方短战役 6 场景 (难) 东方短战役 6 场景 (中/难) Western Long Campaign 18 scenarios (Easy) Eastern Long Campaign 18 scenarios (Easy/Challenging) Railroaded 6 scenarios (Challenging) New World Order 4 scenarios (Difficult) Korea revisited 3 scenarios (Challenging/Difficult) Western campaign 11 scenarios (Challenging) Eastern campaign 12 scenarios (Challenging) Western Mini-campaign 6 scenarios (Difficult) Eastern Mini-campaign 6 scenarios (Challenging/Difficult) ----------------------- 多人游戏 Multiplayer ----------------------- -(战网还能用吗?) Mplay Mplayer is a free multi-player internet service for gamers. You can play People's General with players all over the country. You will need an internet service provider to play People's General over Mplayer. For more information on Mplayer please check out the SSI Web page or go to and check out Mplayer's FAQ and help documents. -(每合都要互相mail,太烦了吧!) Play-by-Email To play a game of People's General in multiplay, simply select the Play-by-Email option from the main game screen, choose a password, then select the scenario you would like to play. When you are through with your turn, end and save the turn. You can add any messages you would like to give your opponent in the save game description field. Once you are finished saving the game,you need to email the saved game to your opponent. The single file that you'll need to send will be in the ...People's General\Save\ folder. It will be NAME.EML where the name is what you choose to save it as. We would suggest naming the files as per the turn number in the game (TURN1.EML, TURN2.EML, etc.) Once you receive an email saved game, you'll need to copy it back into your ...People's General\Save folder, run 'Play- by-Email' from the main game screen and then choose 'Load game' to bring up the new game turn. Even though the email files are small in size, to insure file integrity, you might want to zip the file before sending it off. -局域网(有条件的试一下,人对人应该很有不同,原文都是废话,不译了) LAN & TCP/IP Playing over a 'busy' IPX LAN might cause some lag and sync delays, but other then this you shouldn't encounter any problems. We recommend playing over a dedicated LAN that only host the People's General players if possible. TCP/IP will become a problem for those that use ISPs that are 'Firewalled.' Users on AOL and some of the other proprietary internet servers might encounter connect problems. If you are not sure if your ISP is firewalled, we recommend contacted them and asking for a solution if any to the 'Firewalling' in their service. ----------------------- 部队 Units ----------------------- -综述 Overview -部队附加属性(Unit attachments): 部队附加属性可以使你的部队超越以往。每个部队可以有2个附加属性,并可以在场景间更改。 西方部队有技术优势,每项属性耗30点物资,中国要花50点。有些属性不是通用的,将不出现 在购买屏幕中,或是用“灰色”表示。 Unit attachments are a way to customize your forces beyond what was ever possible in any of the other General titles. Each unit is able to have up to two attachments assigned to it and these assignments can be changed in between scenarios during campaign play. Western forces, having a technological advantage over their Eastern counterparts, can purchase these attachments for 30 prestige points each instead of 50 for the Chinese player. Some attachments aren't available for all units and won't be present on the requisition screen, or will simply be grayed out. 部队附加属性一览: 侦察(Recon) +1视野, -1反视野。 搏斗技术(Combat Engineer) +2贴身攻防,防御强化也加快。 防空(Air Defense) 对直升机攻击,对战机攻和防各+2。 两栖(Bridging)* 过河如履平地,也可以在进入河流方格后攻击。 直升机(Helicopter) +1视野, +2穿甲能力。 反坦(Anti-tank) +4 穿甲能力。 战斗支援(Combat Support)** 弹药+3,补充不减少,可以次次达到人数上限。 前线观察(Forward Observer) 当贴身攻击时,给炮兵和协防战机+4攻击。 特殊军需(Special Munitions) 炮兵专用,对人对甲攻击各+2。 *两栖属性和架桥部队不同,它只允许该部队自由过河。架桥部队站在河上,可以让其它部队通过。 (但架桥部队本身不能自由过河,建议给它加两栖属性。) **每个场景每个部队第一次补充时,可以达到10(中国步兵15),以后每次减1,有了战斗支援属性 就可以每次达到10(中国步兵15)。 -Unit Attachments: Unit attachments are as follows: Recon +1 to spotting range, -1 to unit profile. Combat Engineer +2 to close attack and defense value. Also entrenches faster than normal. Air Defense +2 to helicopter, air attack and to air defense. Bridging* Gives unit ability to cross river hexes as rough terrain. Also, allows unit to attack after entering a river hex. Helicopter +1 to spotting, +2 to hard attack value. Anti-tank +4 hard attack. Combat Support** +3 to Ammo and reinforcements aren't reduced during play and are replaced to maximum over strength value. Forward Observer Gives artillery and defensive air support a +4 when attacking and supporting against enemies adjacent to this unit. Special Munitions For Artillery only. +2 to soft and hard attack. *The bridging attachment is different from the bridging Equipment Special. The bridging Equipment Special allows you to cross over a river as 'rough terrain' and it also allows you to place the unit on a river hex and the rest of your forces may cross over while this unit is in place. The bridging attachment only allows the individual unit with the attachment to cross a river hex. If you place a unit with the bridging attachment over a river, your other troops may not cross over. **The first time you take replacements for a unit during a scenario, they replace to 10 max (15 for Chinese infantry). The next time this unit takes on replacements, the unit will max out to 9 (14 for Chinese infantry) and each subsequent turn you'll max out to one strength less. If the unit is equipped with the Combat Support attachment, it will always replace to 10 (15 for Chinese infantry) -指挥官能力 Leader Abilities 当一个部队拥有指挥官后,将得到2种特殊能力:1个由部队类别决定,另1个随机。 When a unit is awarded a Leader, the unit gets two special abilities; one set unit ability dependant on the units class, and one random ability. For instance, when a tank unit is awarded a Leader, the unit always gets the Aggressive Maneuver ability then one other random ability from the Random ability list. Below are the Unit Class abilities and then the Random Ability List: 类别能力: ------------------------------- 侵略性机动 Aggressive Maneuver: 坦克专有,+1移动。 加强雷达 Enhanced Radar: 防空武器专有,+1射程。 强力侦察 Force Recon: 侦察车专有,+1视野。 多重火力支援 Multiple Fire Support: 炮兵专有,有弹药就可以持续支援或反击。 隐形飞行 Stealth Pilot: 直升机专有,移动不随低空优权减少。 坦克杀手 Tank Killer: 反坦武器专有,1格外攻击时火力不减少。 地形专家 Terrain Expert: 步兵专有,贴身攻防+4。(原文为侦察车,有误) Class Leader Abilities: ------------------------------- Aggressive Maneuver: Tank unit class ability. Gives +1 to movement range. Enhanced Radar: Air Defense class ability. Gives +1 to weapon range. Force Recon: Recon unit class ability. Gives +1 to spotting range. Multiple Fire Support: Artillery unit class ability. Unit may continue to support and counter-battery as long as it has ammo to do so. Stealth Pilot: Helicopter unit class ability. Movement range not reduced due to low air superiority levels. Tank Killer: Anti-tank unit class ability. Number of shots are not halved when unit fires beyond range 1. Terrain Expert: Recon unit class ability. Gives +4 to Close attack and defense values. 随机能力:(35种!不知谁能记全?) ------------------------------ 侵略性进攻 Aggressive Attack: 进攻时攻防各+2 侵略性机动 Aggressive Maneuver:+1移动,可以和坦克的类别能力叠加。 全天候搏斗 All Weather Combat: 直升机专有,恶劣天气火力不减。 伏击 Ambusher: 步兵专有,贴身攻击时敌人得不到炮兵支援。 闪击 Blitzer: 坦克,防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,给坦克类更快速度。 (这个叙述前后矛盾,也不知道更快速度指什么) 两栖 Bridging: 直升机无法拥有,过河如平地。 伪装专家 Camouflage Expert: 反视野-2。 守护者 Defender: 直升机专有,可以提供火力支援(类似炮兵)。 坚决防御 Determined Defense: 防御时攻防各+2。 毁灭火力 Devastating Fire: 每合开两炮。 极度防御 Ferocious Defender: 步兵、反坦和防空武器拥有,忽略敌军特性,永远拥有防御强化。 规律开火 Fire Discipline: 由于原文残缺不知何意,据说可以节约弹药。 抢先开火 First Strike: 防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,除非敌军有相同能力,否则总是先开火, 包括火力支援。 地面捕获者 Ground Taker: 战机、防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,压制(帮助导致撤退)多50%。 渗透者 Infiltrator: 防空武器、轻步兵和炮兵无法拥有,忽略地域控制。 潜势力 Influence: 部队可以超编(场景无效)。 解放者 Liberator: 直升机无法拥有,占领城市时缴获物资加倍。 神射手 Marksman: 直升机专有,攻击时攻击+4。 促进者 Motivator: 增加周围部队的经验50%,但只对同是地面或空中的武器有效。 看守 Overwatch: 坦克专有,攻击进入其控制区域的敌人。 压倒进攻 Overwhelming Attack: 直升机和防空武器无法拥有,引起灭敌的机会略微增加。 流浪者 Rangers: 步兵专有,下列地形行走如平地:树林Forest、崎地Rough、 山丘Hill、山脉 Mountain, 丛林Jungle。 侦察移动 Recon Movement: 侦察车和直升机无法拥有,可以一格格的移动。 适应力 Resilience: 受伤略少。 坚定者The Rock: 直升机、防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,永不撤退。 狙击手 Sharpshooter: 直升机、防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,远程攻击火力不减。 威慑战术 Shock Tactics: 长时间压制,持续整合。 打了就跑 Shoot and Scoot: 炮兵专有,敌人无法反击。 第六感 Sixth Sense: 防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,不会被伏击。 熟练侦察 Skilled Recon: 视野+1,可以和侦察车的类别能力叠加。 散兵 Skirmisher: 炮兵和防空武器无法拥有,受攻击时敌方可攻击人数-2,但不低于1。 狡猾赌徒 Smart Gambler: 攻击时损失不会超过显示值,伤亡数量不会少于显示值 (除非有隐藏的 支援部队如火炮) 巷战 Street Fighter: 直升机、防空武器和炮兵无法拥有,忽略城市和港口的防御强化 和地域控制。敌军撤退时自动跟进城市。 坑道战 Tunnel Rats: 步兵专有,忽略防御强化,且自身防御强化加快。 军需官 Quartermaster: 每次补充都可达到最大值。 Random Abilities: ------------------------------ Aggressive Attack: Available to all. Gives +2 to attack and defense when initiating attack. Aggressive Maneuver: Available to all. +1 movement (cumulative with tank class leader bonus) All Weather Combat: Only for helicopters. Number of shots are not halved in storm turns. Ambusher: Only infantry. If unit attacks in a close assault, then enemy gets no artillery support fire. Blitzer: Not for tanks, ADA, or Arty. Grants the tank class overrun ability. Bridging: Not for helicopters. Treat river and streams as rough terrain for movement. Camouflage Expert: Available to all. -2 profile. Defender: Helicopters only. If unit is adjacent to both attacker and defender, then unit can provide support fire (like artillery). Determined Defense: Available to all. Get +2 to attack and defense when defending. Devastating Fire: Available to all. May shoot twice per turn. Ferocious Defender: For infantry, anti-tank, and ADA. Always gets entrenchment bonus no matter what specials and leaders the enemy has. Fire Discipline: Available to all. Use ?shot each time in combat. First Strike: Not available to ADA or Arty. Attacks before enemy unless enemy has same leader. Support fire, etc. still fire first. Ground Taker: Not available to air, ADA, and Arty. Does 50% more suppression (which helps cause retreat). Infiltrator: Not for ADA, light infantry, or Arty. Ignores ZOCs. Influence: Not available in scenario play. Available to all. Units can overstrength for free. Liberator: (Not for helicopters) x2 prestige for capturing towns Marksman: Helicopters only. Gives +4 to attack value when attacking. Motivator: Available to all. Adds unit's experience level to all adjacent units. If unit is a ground unit, it supports ground units only. If unit is air unit, it supports air units only. Overwatch: Tanks only. Shoots at enemy units entering its Zone of Control. Overwhelming Attack: Not available to helicopters or ADA. Unit has slightly better chance of causing kills. Rangers: Only available to infantry. Forest, Rough, Hill, Mountain, and Jungle are treated as clear terrain for movement. Recon Movement: Not available to recon or helicopters. Gives unit the recon class segmented movement power. Resilience: Available to all. Unit takes slightly less kills. The Rock: Not available to helicopters, ADA, or Arty. Unit will not retreat. Sharpshooter: Not for helicopters, ADA, Artillery, or anti tank units. Shots are not halved at long range. Shock Tactics: Available to all. Does long term suppression. Suppression lasts all turn. Shoot and Scoot: Only for artillery. Enemy does not get counterbattery fire at this unit. Sixth Sense: Not available to ADA or Arty. Unit can't be ambushed. Skilled Recon: Available to all units. +1 spotting (cumulative with the recon class leader bonus) Skirmisher: Not for artillery or ADA units. Before attack, the number of the opponents shots is reduced by two, but never put below 1. Smart Gambler: Available to all units. Combat losses for attacker will never be more than displayed and casualties listed will at least be what was displayed prior to combat (except for hidden supporting units like artillery) Street Fighter: Not for helicopters, ADA, or Artillery. Ignores entrenchment and terrain bonus of target in town or port. Automatically follows up in city or port hex if enemy retreats out. Tunnel Rats: Only for infantry units. Ignores entrenchments and entrenches at a faster rate than normal. Quartermaster: Available to all units. Always may take replacements up to base strength. -装备特性 有些装备生来就带有特性,可以在部队数据下看到绿色的图标: 两栖 River Assault: 过河如履平地,也可以在河流方格攻击。 轻步兵 Light Infantry: 忽略敌人区域控制。 忽略防御强化 Ignore Entrenchments: 攻击防御强化的防御者时伤害不减。 削弱防御强化 Destroy Entrechments: 攻击敌人时消除其防御强化等级。 快速防御强化 Entrench Quickly: 防御强化快至大约3倍。 战斗支援 Combat Support: 允许部署其它部队到其周围,允许部队移动到2格内 补给和补充(但它本轮不能攻击)。 伞兵 Paratroop: 可以空降,但回合初要在我方机场方格上。 架桥 Bridging: 本身过河如履平地,还可以让其它部队通过。 -Equipment Specials Some units in People's General have inherit capabilities that come with the unit when purchased and don't need to be added later (like attachments can). You can tell units that have these equipment specials by the green equipment icons listed under the units statistical data (in the 'View Unit' screen) The following specials are listed: River Assault: Units with this equipment special can cross river hexes as rough terrain and make attacks while in river hexes. Light Infantry: Units with this equipment special ignore enemy Zones-of- Control. Ignore Entrenchments: Units with this equipment special aren't penalized when attacking an entrenched defender. Destroy Entrechments: Units with this equipment special remove an enemies entrenchment levels when they engage it in combat. Entrench Quickly: Units with this equipment special entrench at a faster rate (approx 3 times as fast). Combat Support: Allows you to deploy units adjacent to this unit and allows you to resupply and reinforce any unit that moves to within 2 hexes of this unit (as long as it hasn't fired in the turn.) Paratroop: Units with this equipment special may execute a paratroop mission if they start their turn in a friendly airport hex. Bridging: Units with this equipment special treat river hexes as rough terrain and when positioned across a river hex allow other friendly units to cross over as road terrain as well. -补充等级 有3种,无星(新兵,初始0经验),1星(老兵,初始100经验),2星(精锐,初始200经验)。 只能在购买时选择,东方国家无法选择精锐。其差别决定了部队初始经验,更重要的是 影响战场上的补充。原文太罗嗦,简单说一下:战场上补充时经验要平分。比如原来练到 400经验的,死了5个,补上5个新兵,平均经验只剩下200;如果补上5个精锐,平均经验 就是300。但是建议如果不是兵力急需,不要在战场上补充。战后会自动补充,经验全部保留。 -Reinforcement Levels There are three levels of reinforcements for units in People's General; one empty star (regular), 1 filled star (veteran), and 2 filled stars (Elite). Eastern units (Chinese and Korean) can set their units to regular or veteran levels. Western units can set their units to regular, veteran, or elite levels. These levels default to regular, and may only be changed the moment the unit is purchased, never afterward. These different levels determine the starting experience level for the unit, and more importantly the type of reinforcements the unit will receive during game play. Regular replacements come in at 0 experience per replacement. Veterans come in at 100 experience per replacement. Elite come in at 200 experience per replacement. These experience points are averaged throughout the unit when replacements are taken on. For instance, lets say you have an infantry unit that begins a scenario at 200 experience points and is strength 10. During the course of the game it is attacked and is reduced in strength from 10 to 3. If this unit were purchased with a regular replacements (0 experience troops) its new experience level after taking on replacements would have dropped as follows: (current strength x current exp) + ( # of replacements x replacement exp level) ---------------------------------------------------- Original strength size of unit (3 x 200) + (7 x 0) 600 ----------------- = ----- = 60 experience points (a huge reduction!) 10 10 If this unit were to be purchased with veteran replacements you would have the following: (3 x 200) + (7 x 100) 600 + 700 1300 -------------------- = --------- = ----- = 130 experience (not so bad) 10 10 10 If this unit were to be purchased with elite replacements you would have the following: (3 x 200) + (7 x 200) 600 + 1400 2000 -------------------- = ---------- = ---- = 200 (no loss in experience) 10 10 10 It should be noted that because Chinese troops can over strength to 21 great care should be taken when deciding to take on replacements during a battle. Many times it will be better to simply disengage a unit and move him away from harms way then to take on replacements (which will dilute and in many cases remove all his experience) If you don't take on replacements during a battle, your units will all get replacements equal to their current experience level after the battle (in between scenarios) -直升机 直升机是威力最大的武器。只有防空武器拥有不同的反直升机能力,战斗机和其它直升机也可以主动 攻击它。这使得其弹性很大。注意直升机的移动力和和空优权有关,空优权100时才能达到30,但也 不会少于9。 -Helicopters Helicopters are by far the most powerful weapon on the battle field. Only ADA units with non-bracketed helicopter attack values, fighter interceptors, and other helicopters may actively engage helicopter units. This makes them very resilient. It should be noted that Helicopter movement is a function of your air supremacy rating. If you have 100% air supremacy, then your helicopters may move their full movement allowance during a given turn (30 hexes). This number will be reduced as your air supremacy level drops. Your helicopters movement may never fall below 9 movement. -特殊部队 战斗支援部队(CSU): 部队可以部署在其周围,这样甚至帮你将军队部署到敌军腹地。一般部队 补给或补充的话本合不能移动或攻击。但CSU两格内的部队只要没攻击就 可以补给或补充,这使得防御变得容易,消耗殆尽的部队可以移动到后方 CSU边补给。 侦察车: 不仅具备一格格移动的能力,也掩护部队的移动,使得敌人的侦察变得困难。 架桥部队: 可以架桥供其它部队过河。 轻步兵: 机降后还可以移动一半机动力的距离,且忽视地区控制。可以深入敌后占领 指定城市。注意占据城市、森林等复杂地形,丢在平地上很脆弱的。 -Special Units (CSU, Recon, Bridging Units, Light Infantry) There are some very unique units in People's General that deserve special attention. They are: Combat Support Units: CSU's allow you to deploy new units deep within enemy territory. You may deploy any new unit that you purchase in any of the adjacent hexes around a CSU that isn't occupied by an enemy unit. Usually you may only resupply or give replacements to a unit that hasn't moved or fired in the turn. If you move a unit during a turn within 2 hexes of a CSU, that unit may resupply or take on replacements as long as he hasn't fired that turn. This makes defending a position much easier as you can move spent units to the rear and still reinforce the unit if a CSU is nearby. Recon Units: Recon units not only have their segmented movement like in other General games, but they may also screen your troop movements from the enemy. Spotting is greatly reduced for the enemy when you have recon units nearby. Bridging Units: Bridging units that have the bridging equipment special are different then units that have the bridging attachment in that they may act as a bridge for your other units as long as they remain positioned across a river hex. Light Infantry: Light Infanty units are very nice in that they may move 1/2 their movement allowance after they air-mobile to a location and they ignore enemy Zones-of-Control. This makes them very effective when dropped deep within enemy territory to take lightly defended victory hexes. Keep these units in cities, forest, or other rough terrain areas as they will die quickly in clear terrain. -原型武器: 占领触发方格后,有时可以在过场时得到原型武器。他们不计算在部队数目(有上限)里。 但也不能升级。 -Prototype Units: Prototype Units are sometimes awarded in between scenario and as a result of activating a trigger hex (see below). Prototype units don't ever count against your troop cap (the maximum amount of troops you may have in any given scenario) and will never gain levels of experience like other troops. ----------------------- 触发方格 Trigger Hexes ----------------------- 占领某些特定城市可以得到特别奖励。包括物资、空战点数、经验、指挥官(后两项只给占领部队, 因此用没有指挥官的部队去占领)。 Certain city hexes in a scenario will give a special award to the player who takes them. Trigger hexes can give you more prestige, more air mission points, more experience for the unit taking the city, or award a leader to the unit that takes the city. Because experience and leaders are only given to the unit that actually activates the trigger hex, its a good idea to take cities with units that don't already have leaders assigned to them. ----------------------- 天气 Weather ----------------------- 恶劣天气减少一半的火力。夜晚减少一半视野。 Poor weather will reduce the number of shots by 1/2. Night conditions reduce visible by 1/2. ----------------------- 航空任务 Air Missions ----------------------- 航空任务是最强大的手段之一。很多场景空战点数都很有限,要计划着用。空战点数会按空优权和 上合战机损失数减少。比如空优权是80%,如果你执行了任何航空任务,剩余空战点数下合将减少20%。 航空任务一览: -强击 (5点)攻击防空武器。 -侦察 (2点)可用于对特殊地点的侦察。 -空袭 (10点) 攻击非防空武器(地面部队或直升机),攻击直升机时防空武器无法协防。 -战机协防 (6点) 战机在我军上空协防时,可以在敌人攻击时大大增加其能力。 时间持续到弹药用尽 (4发)。也可以用来驱逐敌军直升机。 -空运 (4点) 在我军机场间空运,但要没有已知的敌人防空武器覆盖机场。 -机降 (4点)直升机运输,可以到达任何没有敌人防空武器的区域。 Air missions are one of the most powerful resources available in your arsenal. In many scenarios you will notice that you air mission points have been very limited. In these cases you should use air missions with great reserve and planning. Your number of air mission points will be reduced each turn depending on your air supremacy level and how many aircraft you lost during the current turn. If you have an 80% Air Supremacy rating, you will lose20% of your remaining air mission points the next turn if you use execute an air mission of any type. This reduction will grow even more for any aircraft that were shot down during the turn. Below is a list of possible air missions: -Wild Weasel (5 points) Used to attack enemy Air Defenses. -Recon (2 points) Used to gain recon in a specific location. -Air Strike (10 points) Used to attack ground or helicopter units. If used to attack helicopter units, enemy ADA won't engage. -Defensive Air Support (6 points) Positioned over friendly units greatly increases their capabilities during your enemies turn. Defensive air support lasts as long as ammo last for the air unit (note: all air units have 4 ammo). Can also be used to chase enemy helicopters away. -Airlift (4 points) Lets you airlift units from one friendly airfield to another friendly airfield as long as no known enemy ADA screen or umbrella one of your airfields. -Air-mobile (4 points) Allows units to move via helicopters as long as enemy ADA doesn't keep them grounded. ----------------------- 场景编辑器(想用的,除了有一定电脑基础,也要有些英文功底吧) Scenario Editor ----------------------- The editor included with People's General gives you the ability to create any number of scenarios using all of the maps included with the game. Some tips and suggestions when the scenario editor: -Trigger hexes will only be active for the first half of the scenario. If turns go beyond this point, all remaining trigger hexes will be deactivated. -All units in the game become available for purchase at certain dates. If you find that for some reason you can't find a specific unit to place on the map, try increases the date in the scenario until it becomes available. -Setting the Western or Eastern 'stance' (attacker/defender) determines if one side has to take all victory hexes in 'x' amount of time or defend all victory hexes in 'x' amount of time. It should be noted that if the defender manages to take the one victory hex that the attacker starts the scenario with, the defender will win. -If you set the game to 'Nighttime', the first 2 game turns will be played at night. -To place a generic small flag (a non-victory or supply hex flag) on the map, highlight the country button in the top right hand corner of the scenario map screen, then click onto the hex you want the flag to appear in. -To add a leader to a unit, first requisition and deploy the unit, then select 'adjust unit' and click onto the unit you want to add the leader to. Next, select the Leader icon and you're set. -Units cannot over strength unless you first increase their experience. If you want to over strength a unit from 10 to 12, it must have al least two hundred experience points to do so. -To change the facing of a unit on the map, go into the deployment screen and right click on a unit to rotate it. You may only do this to the units you are currently deploying (either Eastern or Western forces) ----------------------- 注册(没人关心吧,不译了) Registration ----------------------- When you register your copy of People's General, a bonus scenario Tempest in TaiPei will be unlocked for free. If you encounter any problems registering your copy of People's General, please contact our Technical Support department (see Trouble shooting section below for contact information) ----------------------- 网站(我是都连不上的) Peoples General Website ----------------------- For possible updates, future scenarios, game tips or general information regarding People's General, please check out the People's general webpage at: or ----------------------- 常见问题处理 Troubleshooting ----------------------- -如果安装有问题或运行时发生'Direct Media' error错误,重装。(废话) -If you encounter problems installing the game or get a 'Direct Media' error when trying to run the game, please reinstall the game and the problem will be fixed. -C盘要有80MB以上剩余空间。 -If the game seems to run sluggishly or with slow or poor performance, be sure that you have at least 80 MB of free hard drive space on your C:\ drive -如果运行正常但缺少电影等,安装Quicktime。 -If you don't get the cut scenes, cinematics, or the game intro but the game appears to run ok, you'll need to install (or reinstall) Quicktime - found on the game CD. -如果第一次运行就出错,安装DirectX 6。 -If People's General crashes when you first attempt to launch the game, you'll need to install (or reinstall) Microsoft's DirectX 6 - found on the game CD. -如果开始战役或场景时出错,确认CD放好。(现在的都是硬盘版,没这问题) -If the game crashes out when you try to launch a scenario or campaign, be sure that the game CD is in the CD-ROM drive. You MUST have the game CD in the drive in order to play People's General. If the CD is present and the crash persists, please remove and clean the CD. If scratches are present, you may need to replace the CD. For CD replacements, please check the game manual for proper instructions. -如果遇到其它显示问题如文字混乱或色带交错,更新显卡驱动使其支持DirectX 6。 或者尝试关闭显卡硬件加速,但这会减弱性能。(没用过95/98的人不知道吧) -If you experience any video problems while running People's General like garbled text or graphical banding across the game screen, your current Windows 95 video drivers may be outdated and probably aren't DirectX 6 compliant and will need to be updated. Please refer to the manufacturer of your video card for driver update information. If new DirectX 6 compliant video drivers aren't yet available from the manufacturer of your video card, you may be able to work around the problem (until new drivers are released) by reducing video acceleration in the Windows 95 Control Panel. To do this: 1) go to 'Control Panel', then select 'System' and choose Device Manager 2) highlight 'Video Adapter' and go to Advanced properties 3) select the 'Performance' tab and reduce video acceleration all the way down to 'None' Note: this may slow down general windows performance significantly. -如果联网(TCP/IP)游戏时连不上,确认你的ISP没有防火墙(AOL用户可能遇到) -If you can't connect in a multiplayer game over the internet (TCP/IP), be sure that your ISP isn't firewalled (AOL users will encounter this problem). If you're not sure about a possible firewall, please contact your Internet Provider and ask. You cannot play People's General through a firewalled ISP. 如果遇到其它问题,请联系……。(如果真想联系,下面的英文要能看懂吧) If you encounter any other problems with People's general, please contact our Technical Support Department at (423) 670-2020 between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time or try our automated Technical Support department at (423) 670-2020. Technical Support FAX is available at (423) 670-2021. You may also fill out our technical Support form (found at and email it to: You may also write us at: Technical Support 9715 Parkside Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 (Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for a reply) -SM