标题: EU3第四部资料片 Divine Wind 宣布, 坐等发布
性别:男-离线 酒魔剑仙
(推倒還是被推倒,這是一個值 ...)


Rank: 17Rank: 17
组别 节度使
级别 镇北将军
功绩 527
帖子 3551
编号 1414
注册 2003-10-13
家族 轩辕狼党

EU3第四部资料片 Divine Wind 宣布

Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind announced
Not quite as "Complete" as we thought, the fourth expansion arrives for Europa Universalis III!

NEW YORK – September 9, 2010 – In response to the clamor from its loyal fan base, and because three expansions just didn’t seem quite enough, Paradox Interactive are happy to announce that Europa Universalis III Divine Wind, the fourth and latest expansion to its Grand Strategy Game Europa Universalis III, will be releasing this December.

The fourth expansion to the classic historical strategy epic, Europa Universalis III Divine Wind is set in the Far East and will enhance every aspect of the original game to create an even deeper and more rewarding experience. Requiring Europa Universalis III Complete as well as the Heir to the Throne expansion to play, Divine Wind introduces a new graphical style, a more detailed map, and a wealth of new oriental provinces to control.

View teaser trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHmrMHgw6uc


    * Play as one of four major daimyo’s in Japan vying for influence over the Emperor and control over the Shogunate
      以日本四位主要的大名之一的身份来竞争对天皇的影响和对幕府的控制 (类似于西欧的教廷与神罗?)
    * Enhanced diplomacy with more options for alliances and peace negotiations
    * Dozens of new culture-specific building types allowing greater control over the development of provinces
    * More realistic development of trade
    * Manage the internal factions within China to keep the Mandate of Heaven
    * Over 50 Achievements for players to unlock
    * Multiplayer for up to 32 players
    * Requires Europa Universalis III Complete and the expansion Heir to the Throne in order to play

For more information, please visit www.paradoxplaza.com or follow the game on www.twitter.com/E_Universalis and join the facebook community www.facebook.com/EuropaUniversalis

About Paradox Interactive

Since 1999, Paradox Interactive has been a leading global developer and publisher of PC-based strategy games. World-renowned for its strategy catalog, the company holds a particularly strong presence in the United States and Europe. Its steadily-growing portfolio includes originally developed titles such as the critically acclaimed Europa Universalis and the Hearts of Iron franchises, as well as publishing titles such as the Elven Legacy series, Mount&Blade and Majesty 2. Paradox made an explosive entry onto consoles during 2010 with the release of Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West. For more information, please visit www.paradoxplaza.com and follow www.twitter.com/pdxinteractive

[ 本帖最后由 酒魔剑仙 于 2010-9-14 12:02 编辑 ]

性别:未知-离线 本因坊秀策


Rank: 22Rank: 22Rank: 22Rank: 22
柱国(正二品) 轩辕春秋年度最佳(游戏人生区)
组别 节度使
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性别:男-离线 酒魔剑仙
(推倒還是被推倒,這是一個值 ...)


Rank: 17Rank: 17
组别 节度使
级别 镇北将军
功绩 527
帖子 3551
编号 1414
注册 2003-10-13
家族 轩辕狼党

性别:男-离线 Heathcliff

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发表于 2010-9-14 12:39 资料 短消息 只看该作者
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家族 司徒实业

性别:女-离线 轩辕苍龙


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级别 大将军
好贴 2
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发表于 2010-9-22 21:52 资料 个人空间 短消息 只看该作者

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