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2006-5-29 10:52 zhangjf


4 new factions – Alexander’s Macedonian army, The Persians, The Indians and the Barbarians.

In the 4th century BC, Macedon hovered on the brink of disaster. Critically weakened by a Persian invasion a century before and menaced by the surrounding warlike Thracian and Scythian tribes, she could only look on as the Greek city states to the south fought each other for domination of the Peloponnese. In 359 BC Philip II came to the Macedonian throne and immediately began to reorganize the army according to new principles, blending heavy phalanx infantry with the power and mobility of heavy cavalry. With his son Alexander at his side, Philip now had a weapon capable of dealing with the many threats on Macedon's borders, and perhaps further afield...


The mighty Persian Empire has existed for hundreds of years, its borders stretching to the ends of the earth, its treasuries flowing with riches, its resources limitless and its warriors without number.

The Greek lands would be an enticing addition to the empire, and a Persian military expedition to conquer them a century before was only thwarted by the narrowest of margins. Now Persia gives aid to one or other of the warring Greek factions so that all will be weakened and left open to a fresh invasion...


India is a vast and mysterious area of strange peoples, animals, customs and weather, and undoubted riches. Though not yet a cohesive nation, the fierce warriors and ancient strongholds of her various kingdoms are a formidable proposition to anyone considering campaigning beyond the Indus...

The Barbarian Tribes

The Scythians, Thracians, Illyrians and Dahae are fierce tribal peoples leading a precarious existence on the borders of more powerful states. They are saddled with the title 'barbarian' merely through not being Greek or Persian. Their warriors though are proud and dangerous men, eager in battle with any who dare threaten them or their tribal lands...

2006-5-29 10:54 zhangjf
60+ new units – including the mighty Indian War Elephants, Persian immortals and Indian naked female archers. Alexander forces meanwhile include some of his most famous units including the Hypaspists, Phalangists and Companion cavalry.

Most armies of Alexander's period were based heavily around hoplite infantry which operated in a tight phalanx formation and was therefore fairly slow-moving. To mitigate this, much of the hoplite's heavy armour had been shed over the previous century or so. The military reforms of Alexander's father Philip saw the reintroduction of this heavy armour and the birth of the Phalangist. With heavier armour and longer pikes, these troops had an advantage over ordinary hoplites in combat.

To balance the heavy Phalangist's lack of mobility, Philip changed the role of his cavalry which had previously been used purely to guard the flanks of the infantry and pursue enemy troops once they had broken and fled the battle. Now Philip issued his cavalry with long xyston lances and high quality armour to transform them into heavy shock cavalry – the famous Companion cavalry.
He drilled them to operate in a wedge formation which concentrated the force of their charge into a single point and was devastating when employed against and enemy's flank or rear quarters.

Finally, Alexander himself refined this new model army with the addition of the Hypaspists. These were light to medium spearmen whose great strength was their ability to operate in a range of roles, filling in the gaps left by the heavier units. Their primary role was to shield the vulnerable flanks of the Phalangists, which would otherwise be left exposed whenever the cavalry was off on a sortie. They carried javelins with which to harry the enemy and were also able to storm city walls.

The Persians had a wide range of excellent cavalry of their own. Foremost amongst them were the Bactrian heavy cavalry who were magnificently armoured and charged home with spears before drawing heavy maces to press home their attack. The Persian king Darius could also call on the services of the cavalrymen of Hyrcania who could deliver devastating volleys of javelins before charging into the resulting gaps in the enemy line to wreak further havoc with their swords.

The elite infantry of the Persian army was the Immortal, so called because their numbers were never allowed to fall below 10,000. These were infantry whose spears bore large silver or gold apples at their base which served as counterweights. In addition they carried ornate shields and bows which afforded them the rare ability to discourage the attentions of enemy skirmishers, cavalry and infantry.

Over 6 multiplayer battles – Play each of the historical battles in multiplayer with varying player setups, such as 1v1 2v2 and 3v1 over a LAN or on the Internet.

The six historical battles have been specifically balanced and optimised for multiplayer play. The “Last Man Standing” mode is available for each of the six battles. Multiple player setups expanding the scope of these battles beyond the traditional 1v1 scenario to allow for 2v1 and even 3v1 play.
The battles will allow you to not only take command of Alexander’s forces but also assume control of the Persian and Indian armies, giving you access to such units as the mighty Indian War elephants and the Persian scythed chariots.

6 New historical battles - Six brand new historical battles recreate Alexander’s most momentous conflicts. From fighting by his father’s side at Chaeronea in 338 BC to the battle of Hydaspes in 326BC. Each battle is crafted to accurately reflect the environments, units and tactics faced by Alexander.

Will you choose to replicate the tactics of one of histories greatest battlefield strategists, or hatch your own battle plans and put them to the test against seemingly insurmountable odds?

Each of Alexander’s historical battles unlock sequentially with mini-movies narrated by Brian Blessed (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Alexander, Flash Gordon), linking each one as the epic tale of Alexander unfolds.

2006-5-29 10:54 zhangjf
A brand new campaign game – A unique Total War experience that re-creates Alexander’s epic push to conquer the known world. Replicate the feats of the greatest general that ever lived and push relentlessly through the vast Persian Empire, conquering all before you.
Face and overcome the awe inspiring challenge of the mighty Persian military as you seek to fulfil your destiny as the son of Zeus!

Keep your growing Empire in check whilst recruiting mercenary bands to bolster your army as you face Barbarian hordes and the vast armies of the Perisian King, Darius.

Learn to balance the strengths and weaknesses of each troop type in an all-new roster, blending them to create the perfect conquering machine unique to your own style of play.

Develop your troops from raw recruits to a hardcore of elite die-hard veterans as they forge a path through Persia and into legend! Make the same tough choices as the young Macedonian king or find your own path to greatness. The Alexander campaign will present players with a relentless, heart-pounding experience that is pure Total War.

2006-5-29 10:57 zhangjf
Alexander's invasion delayed, priced
[UPDATE] Release of Rome: Total War expansion pushed back; add-on will be downloadable for $14.99, features new map based on the Great's exploits.
By Tim Surette, GameSpot
Posted May 25, 2006 11:54 am PT
If the Persian Empire had this much warning of Alexander the Great's impending invasion, perhaps it would still be around. Fans of The Creative Assembly's Rome: Total War have been patiently awaiting an announcement of the Rome: Total War Alexander expansion pack. Since it was announced early last month, its release date was only the nonspecific "June."

Today, it was revealed that the expansion will be available in the very earliest portion of that nebulous date, June 1. Gamers can grab the add-on via digital download from both the Sega and Rome: Total War official Web sites for $14.99.

The expansion will focus on the legendary Macedonian king, who conquered most of the known world before he turned 30. In addition to a new campaign map, there will be six new historical battles with Alex's foes, such as the Greek and Indian armies. There will also be 60 new units and four new factions included--the Macedonians and Persians.

[UPDATE] Just a day after confirming the expansion's release date, Sega has reneged on the June 1 availability.

"Rome: Total War Alexander has been delayed," a Sega rep told GameSpot News. "Nothing wrong with the game that's causing the delay. It's just a case of one of our territories not being ready with their retail site for the game, hence we have to wait a bit to release." Sega still plans to begin digitally distributing sometime in June

2006-5-29 12:11 NZIXRLE

2006-5-29 22:23 dasha1989

2006-5-30 07:11 天水英才姜维
[quote]原帖由 [i]NZIXRLE[/i] 于 2006-5-29 12:11 发表
马镫都没有的骑兵居然还敢NB [/quote]


2006-5-30 10:06 zhangjf

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