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2005-9-15 02:18 周瑜
魔法门之英雄无敌五(Heroes of Might and Magic V),将于明年初面世,这对于喜爱英雄无敌的玩家来说,无异于一个最好的消息。尽管3DO已经倒闭,英雄无敌由UBI交由俄罗斯Nival 公司开发,但是其众多执着的崇拜者和追随者,在经历了失败的四代之后,更加期待五代的成功。



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2005-9-15 06:28 气流



怎么这么多方面都退步了?  没见到什么进步的地方

2005-9-15 07:28 弓骑步
[quote]原帖由[i]周瑜[/i]于2005-09-15, 2:18:46发表
1级生物:农民(升级为:民兵卫士) [/quote]

2005-9-15 08:26 zeroeye
[quote]原帖由[i]周瑜[/i]于2005-09-15, 2:18:46发表



2005-9-15 09:16 鸾舞碧霄

2005-9-15 09:55 bssssw
heroworld 不能上了么

2005-9-15 10:41 周瑜
[quote]原帖由[i]bssssw[/i]于2005-09-14, 21:55:39发表
heroworld 不能上了么 [/quote]

2005-9-15 10:46 周瑜


Level 1: Peasant (Upgraded: Militia Guard)
The peasants and the militia guards are the basic infantry of the Holy Griffin Empire. Those troops are weak and not efficiently trained, but they are numerous. On top of that the peasants are an important source of revenue for their masters and the militia guards are expert in the art of confusing their enemy in the melee.
Peasant: Taxpayer. Generates a small amount of gold per day for the Hero.
Militia Guard: Stun. Confuses the enemy and causes them to lose their next turn.


2005-9-15 10:54 气流
[quote]原帖由[i]鸾舞碧霄[/i]于2005-09-15, 9:16:04发表
4代我觉得很不错呀,为什么说是失败的 [/quote]


2005-9-16 06:34 周瑜

Level 1: Imp (Upgraded: Familiar)
Imps and familiars mean swarms of little winged creatures that will overwhelm enemy forces. Fortunately these creatures are weak and an experienced warrior can bring on numerous damages in their ranks. The imps and familiar are a real annoyance for any Hero gifted in magic, as they have the unique ability to destroy or even steal mana from the enemy.
Imp: Destroy Mana. Enemy heroes facing imps will lose mana every round.
Familiar: Mana Steal. Spell points are stolen from enemy heroes and transferred to allied heroes.

Level 2: Horned Demon (Upgrade: Horned Overseer)
The demons and grunts are the basic infantry of the inferno troops. They are resistant and can sustain an enemy charge thanks to their high number on the battlefield. The horned demons have the unique capability to sacrifice themselves in a huge explosion of primal chaos energy.
Horned Demon: Resist Charge. Reduces damage from Charging attacks. Also possibly Magic Resistant as well.
Familiar: Self Detonate. Can damage multiple enemies by destroying themselves in a large fireball-like explosion.

Level 3: Hell hound (Upgraded : Cerberus)
Hell hounds and cerberi are the spearhead of the inferno forces. Their incredible attack skill gives them a huge devastation power within enemy ranks. However these creatures are not very resistant and therefore should not stay in a long melee combat. They are at their best when used for skirmish combat or to finish weakened enemies. On top of that the cerberi can strike several units at once thanks to their 3 heads.
Hell Hound: No retaliation.Enemies cannot retaliate against their initial attack.
Cerberus: Multi-headed. Can inflict damage upon multiple targets due to 3 headed attack.

Level 4: Succubus (Upgraded: Succubus Favorite)
Succubi are the only shooters within Inferno ranks, they should therefore be used as support troops for the attacking units. This is all the more true as they have the ability to counter-strike on enemy ranged attacks. The enemy will always hesitate before engaging a combat against them. Use this at your own advantage.
Succubus: Ranged Counter Attack. Can retaliate against ranged attacks with their own ranged attack.
Succubus Favorite: Chain Lightning. Ranged attack that can hit multiple targets.

Level 5: Hell Stallion (Upgraded: Nightmare)
The nightmares are the most reactive and fastest Inferno creatures. They will cross the battle field to fiercely charge into enemy ranks. These creatures have such a reputation for unforgiveness that they will make the enemy flee in panic, and even creatures that are stronger than them. When engaged in a melee against them the enemy won’t fight back.
Hell Stallion: Charge. Sprints across the battlefield to inflict additional melee damage. No Retaliation. Enemies cannot retaliate against their initial attack.
Nightmare: Terror. Can cause an enemy to lose a turn.

Level 6: Pit Fiend (Upgraded: Pit Lord)
Pit fiends and Pit Lords are the most skilled warriors amongst Inferno troops. They also have the ability to cast devastating spells to weaken the enemy or even spread death on a whole area of the battlefield. Gifted in both defense and attack, these creatures are the backbone of any successful strategy.
Pit Fiend: Spell Caster. Can cast curse-based spells on enemy units.
Pit Lord: Offensive Spell Caster. Can cast area-affecting offensive spells against enemy units.
深渊魔鬼和深渊领主是地狱部队中最熟练的战士。他们能够施展破坏性的法术来削弱敌人,甚至在整个战场上散播死亡。基于卓越的攻防 能力,他们会是实施所有成功策略的核心。

Level 7: Devil (Upgraded: Archdevil)
The devils are the ultimate representatives of chaos on Ashan. Their power and agility are unequaled amongst Inferno troops. These monsters have access to the infernal reality plan at will and can therefore teleport on the battlefield. The archdevils have the supreme ability to call for Pit Lord reinforcements straight from inferno.
Devil: Teleport. Can move to any location on the battlefield instantly.
ArchDevil: Summon Pit Lord. Can summon a new stack of Pit Lords to assist for the duration of combat.

2005-9-16 07:39 venslo

2005-9-16 08:11 夏侯敦的妹妹
去英雄世界 看到图片里的天使好傻 武器和恶魔的武器貌似一样。。

2005-9-18 00:42 phoenixdaizy


2005-9-23 00:08 周瑜

Level 1: Scout (Upgraded: Assassin)
Fresh from the temple, the scouts are young apprentices following their practical tests for their final examination, after which they will graduate and can become assassins. Although young and inexperienced, they already have strong theoretical and physical training in the art of killing. They are equally gifted in ranged and melee combat.

Level 2: Blood Sister (Upgraded: Blood Fury)
The Blood Sisters are the core of the Dungeon infantry. These servants of the dragon of darkness master a deviant form of the Sylvan martial art. They are so fast in combat that they can charge and evade in the same strike. As a result, they are the perfect troops for any strategy based on skirmish attacks. They will never get stuck in an endless melee.

level 3: Minotaur Slave (Upgraded: Minotaur Guard)
In the Dungeon society, the Minotaurs are usually used as slaves to perform the most degrading and tedious works. However, the Minotaurs are known for their bravery and dignity. They will perform any task at their best, including fighting for their slaveholders. In fact, their prowess in combat gained them respect not only amongst the Dark Elves, but also within the other factions.

level 4: Dark Rider (Upgraded: Dark Champion)
The Dark Raiders are the cavalry of the Dungeon faction. Mounted on their ferocious Cave Lizards, they will charge on the enemy, shattering its shield and blasting its armor. Their charge is so ferocious that even the biggest creatures may be unable to resist them. The Dark Raiders usually patrol the Dungeon maze, attacking any enemy foolish enough to venture that deep into the cave.

level 5: Hydra (Upgraded: Deep Hydra)
The Hydras are, with the Black Dragons, the oldest inhabitants of the underground world of Ashan. They were already there when the Dark Elves arrived, and finally tolerated them. As time went by, both races drew closer and finally reached a tacit alliance grounded on a common desire to preserve the caves from any “luminous” influence. Hydras are slow creatures. They prefer to ambush their prey from the darkness of their den and then strike swiftly. Of course, they can strike up to three targets at once.

level 6: Shadow Witch (Upgraded: Shadow Matriarch)
The Shadow Witches dedicate their lives to Malassa. They are granted supernatural powers that allow them to throw devastating shadow bolts at their enemies. They also can cast spells to weaken their attackers, or to urge their own troops into combat.

level 7: Shadow Dragon (Upgraded: Black Dragon)
Sons and daughters of Malassa, the Shadow Dragons usually keep the entrances to the Maze of Shadows. The younger ones (meaning only a few hundred years old) sometimes assist the Dark Elves in exchange for untold secrets, rare and exotic gifts, or blood-sealed pacts.

这一族居然有两个mm,  ,特写。Blood Fury比Shadow Matriarch更加性感,头上插了好多箭头,抱一抱的话估计代价很大。

2005-9-23 13:09 zeroideal


2005-10-22 02:30 周瑜

Level 1: Pixie(Upgraded: Sprite)
The Pixies are the guardian spirits of the Kersyls, the giants trees that host the Sylvan cities. They live in their branches in a close symbiotic relationship. These creatures are not dedicated to war, but they will fiercely defend their home despite their relative weakness. With them on battlefield, the enemy will have to deal with swarms of winged creatures.

Level 2: Blade Dancer(Upgraded: War dancer)
The Blade Dancers are the core of the Sylvan infantry. These elves have been trained since their early childhood in the secret martial art of their faction, which is essentially based on evasion and quick action rather than brute force. They wear no armor, and are therefore exposed to enemy strikes. Thanks to their superior initiative and speed, the blade dancers are an essential part of any offensive strategy.

Level 3: Hunter(Upgraded: Master Hunter)
In peace time, the Hunters supply the Sylvan communities, and they are respected as such. Wandering Irollan, they live in harmony with Nature and its unwritten laws. They will never kill a living being if without purpose. However in war time the hunters become deadly, fast, shooters.

Level 4: Druid(Upgraded: Elder Druid)
The druids are the priests of Sylanna, the primordial dragon of Earth, embodiment of Nature. As such they have access to the secrets kept within their caste. They may also be considered as the “wizards” of the Sylvan faction. Sylanna’s blessing allow them to master elemental spells and direct the wrath of nature upon their opponents, or fortify their own troops. However their basic magical attack is devastating as well.

Level 5: Unicorn(Upgraded: Silver Unicorn)
The Unicorns are spirits of nature, and as such they are sacred to the Sylvans who respect them as reincarnations of the Ancients. They are considered as a totem animal for the whole faction, and it is said that when the last Unicorn will die so will the Sylvan faction and all its people. Actually the Unicorns have indeed the ability to shield nearby troops on the battlefield from hostile spells.

Level 6: Treant(Upgraded: Acient Treant)
The Treants are the heavy infantry amongst the Sylvan troops. These huge, slow animated trees are the toughest creatures in Irollan. It is said that Treants breed from the proximity of elfs: they would access a superior state of consciousness thanks to the close relationship the elfs have developed with Nature. They are consequently faithful servants of the Sylvan cause.

Level 7: Green Dragon(Upgraded: Emerald Dragon)
The Green Dragons are the incarnations of Sylanna, the Primodral Dragon of Earth. These huge creatures are powerfully linked to earth and are therefore protected against any fire-based attack. On top of that they are surrounded by a powerful vital aura that will deal damages to any attacking enemy unit.

2005-10-22 03:41 周瑜

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